So what is a MULTI-MODE Chip?
It is the current generation of ModChip on the market. This chip can be installed as a Standard (4 wire) ModChip or as a Stealth (7 wire) Chip and is suitable for all PlayStations/PSone's* released into the New Zealand market. See the Installation page for instructions on how to install this chip.
*Please note that this chip can be used in the PSone but only has a 4 wire chip,
hence it will not support the Stealth functions of the Multi-Mode chip.
What version do I program and supply?
The current version is:
v3.x - This version has a improved Stealth Technology.
Previous versions:
v2.02 - This version has a bug fix that cause some of the older SCPH 1002 models not to function with earlier versions.
v2.01 - This version incorporates the standard 4 wire code along with the "Mayami" code and the old 'Dino' mode code.
v1.50 - This version incorporates the standard 4 wire code along with the 'Dino' mode code.
What is the difference between a Standard (4 wire) chip and Stealth (7 wire) chip?
Standard - 4 wire: With the chip wired in this mode it will load games from all regions with the exception of games that use 'Anti-modchip' code. When the chip is wired in this mode it is continuously sending data to the PlayStation and most new games released in the SCEI (Japan) region and some from the SCEA (USA) region are using 'Anti-ModChip' code to detect this data, and will stop the game from loading in any PlayStation fitted with this chip.
Stealth - 7 Wire: With the chip wired in this mode it will load all games from all regions INCLUDING games that use 'Anti-ModChip' from all regions. This is because it uses 3 extra pins to detect when to and when not to send the data to the PlayStation. But this can not be guaranteed, like all Stealth Chips as the Software Houses use different methods to combat this chip. As it stands it is the best chip on the market.
How do i use the chip in Stealth mode (7 Wire)?
When your PlayStation is turned on the Stealth Chip goes to it's default mode - the Stealth mode. In this mode your PlayStation will load all games including ones using the 'Anti-Modchip" code.
If you press the reset button for 3 seconds or more the chip goes into Disable Mode. Turns the chip off. In this mode your PlayStation will only load original Europe (SCEE) games. These are the games you buy in New Zealand stores etc.
Press the reset button again for another 3 seconds or more and the chip operates like a Standard (4 wire) Modchip. In this mode your PlayStation will load all games excluding ones using the 'Anti-Modchip" code.
Press the reset for another 3 seconds or more and you enter the now not required Dino Mode. This mode has been included as a precaution. In this mode if you press the reset button for 1 second a time delay of 100 ms is added to the total time delay. There are upto 255 steps but you will find that after going through about 20 steps the games will stop loading because the delay between lines is becoming too long. The longest delay mode is 255 * 100ms = 25.5s.
To return to Stealth Mode you simply power the machine off then back on.