The Modchip, Stealth Chip and ColourMod are pre programmed micro-controllers that are added to the circuitry of the PlayStation to allow it to load original and backup copies of games from all regions.
TopSony have split the PlayStation into three territories, with each territory having it's own "Lockout Code" as in the table below.
Territory | Countries | Lockout Code | Video Mode |
EUROPE | Europe, Australia & NZ | SCEE | PAL |
JAPAN | Japan and Asia | SCEI | NTSC |
USA | USA and Canada | SCEA | NTSC |
See my Multi-Mode page for more information
TopNone - Both chips use the Multi-Mode v2.02 modchip code. 'Super Modchip' is just another vendors name for this chip.
TopA Std ModChip allows your PlayStation to load all games with the exception of the ones that use the 'Anti ModChip" code (these require Stealth Chips to be installed). This only affects some of the more recent games from Japan.
TopThe Stealth Chip is a new generation of ModChip to allow you to load games that have the 'Anti-ModChip' code. At present only games from the SCEI region have this form of protection. The Stealth Chip is suitable for use with models SCPH 1002, 5502, 7002, 7502 and 9002.
TopThe Colour Correction Module is added to the circuitry of the PlayStation to allow it to play NTSC games in colour. This Module is designed for the models SCPH 1002 and 5502 and requires either a std ModChip or Stealth chip to be already installed.
TopThe ColourMod is a ModChip and a Colour Correction Module in one unit. This will allow you to load all games from all regions and play games from the SCEI and SCEA regions which use the NTSC video format. This Module is designed for the models SCPH 1002 and 5502
TopThis is a third party device which plugs into the parallel port on your PlayStation. It was originally developed by Datel in the UK and has since has been mass produced under various names in Asia. It plugs in to the parallel expansion port at the rear of the PlayStation and adds extra features such as cheat codes (Game Shark and Action Replay), functions like a ModChip, view in game movies and more. Read my Game Enhancer User Guide for more info.
TopTurn your PlayStation over and look for the label similar to the one below.
Locate the area of the label high-lighted with the circle around it. This will indicate what model your PlayStation is and should be one of the following:
If it is any different to this contact me, and we'll discuss what your options are.
TopThis is because you are playing a NTSC game with a PAL PlayStation. The TV or Video receives the incorrect frequency required to decode the colour information. This colour problem can be remedied in one of several ways depending on what model you have.
For models 1002 and 5502 you can:
a) Install a colour correction module if you already have a modchip or stealth chip installed or are using a Game Enhancer.
b) Change your Modchip to a ColourMod.
c) Use a multi-mode TV or Video capable of handling NTSC signals.
d) Using a SCART adaptor cable if you have a TV or Video that has a SCART/EURO connector.
For models 7002, 7502 and 9002 you can:
a) Have the colour correction fix done. (Lifting a pin from the PCB and soldering a wire link in place.)
b) Use a multi-mode TV or Video capable of handling NTSC signals.
c) Using a SCART adaptor cable if you have a TV or Video that has a SCART/EURO connector.
This is a problem with your TV and you will only notice this problem if you are trying to load a NTSC game. The TV is unable to synchronise with the NTSC frame rate. This problem is more apparent with older models of TV's.
What you can do to fix this problem:
a) If your TV has a VERTICAL HOLD adjustment, usually located at rear of TV, turn this control until picturstabilizeses.
b) Take your TV to a service person to have them adjust the vertical hold for you. (You will probably need to give them your PlayStation as well, so they can make the correct adjustment.)
c) If you have a Multi-mode TV try pressing the PAL/NTSC button to able this option.
d) Upgrade your TV to a more modern TV that is able to handle NTSC signals.
Please read the DISCLAIMER.
TopThe authorized NZ Sony PlayStation service agents are:
17a Douglas Alexander Parade
Albany, North Shore
Ph: 09-415 2446